Key Points

We revitalize communities by restoring
the interrupted service of other vendors, along with removing career criminal elements, and providing superior service.

We specialize in investing
in crime/gang-infested

We rebuild the lost trust
between residents and
law enforcement.

We work closely with city,
state, and federal officials,
along with multiple charities.

We provide superior service
to poor demographics.​

We oppose gentrification.

We take pride in serving
the underserved.

We give second chances to the unemployable that are determined to start a clean chapter in life if it is either welcoming them to our homes as residents or giving an oppurtunity in employment by training to give the chance of starting a new career to better their lives for the good.
We do not require deposits, application fees or administration fees for our residents with the intent to help make their lives easier in helping with expenses with their already difficult circumstances. 
We are privelaged an fortunate to work with well known govermental agencies such as Veterans, Domestic Viollance Housing, Battered Woman, HUD ect. that are known for helping struggling indivudals or families by offering  affordable living. 
We partner with well established community services such as YMCA, ALLIANCE, INTERFATIH MINISTRIES, CATHOLIC CHARITIES ect. to help refugees from all over the world such as Ukrainians, Afghans, Cubans and many more. 
We are very passionate in our mission to help the needy in every way, shape or form and are always open for any suggestions to be able to help in any way we have the oppurtunity for.