Business Objective

We are real estate investors who specialize in the art of investing
in the deeply distressed communities
of major cities and regaining them back to society.

Although we are classified as real estate investors,
we consider our work to be sociological and


Our strategy is to invest in entire failed neighborhoods by buying thousands of apartments at a time to gain control over the region.

This year, We will own and operate over 8,000 apartments in Houston, TX, Serving over 40,000 people in this city with around 500 Employees.
Our goal is to rid gangs/drug dealers from multi-family housing in the city of Houston, then expand to nearby cities such as Austin, and Dallas, and ultimately become a nationwide, crime-fighting real estate investor.
There is a need for our services in every corner of this nation. I have the support of the nation’s largest banks such as Morgan Stanley, with hundreds of millions of dollars being funded for this cause.
With Dr. Kalkan’s expertise and the financial backing I possess, We believe we can continue to grow exponentially and provide this much-needed service to our nation.


We remove the career criminal elements in a community, whether it be gangs, drug dealers, or human traffickers, and significantly improve the service provided to the remaining lower-income community in the area.

We do this by exercising the “broken glass” theory, stating that if all broken windows are repaired, criminals will avoid a well-maintained property and leave to seek an easier target.

We completely renovate the apartment complexes we acquire, and we gain the trust of the local community with a sincere handshake and eye contact, and daily conversations, showing them the respect they do not regularly receive.

This used to be the American culture, we are simply reviving it.

We regularly give out thousands of shoes, backpacks, and meals to children and families in various areas of the city and organize community events consistently at all our properties to nurture a community culture.

We hire unskilled, inexperienced staff and teach them how to be caring, responsible community leaders.

We solve crime problems through community development and building relationships with the city and police, and of course, if needed, we have well-trained private security with K-9s who are all veterans.